Skin treatment

I created DermaRitz to share the essential oils I use on my skin, with people I love. I didn’t realize, but over the years, I’ve actually been developing the blend that eventually became DermaRitz’s Heritage. I was raised in a home where my mom and grandma used only natural oil on their faces. Most commercial skincare products were too harsh for my sensitive skin, so I also turned to the oils.

My discovery became a passion — because the world of essential oils had dramatically transformed in the decades since my grandma bought her first oils. For starters, everyone (including dabblers like me) had access to essential oils. There were initial quality challenges but I soon found exactly what I wanted for my skin. There was enough relevant information on the different oils, how they worked and what they could do for my skin. I read, researched and tested, remixed and re-tested, keeping a watch on how my skin reacted and felt, every step of the way. After five years of trial and error, I settled on the perfect formula for me.

For Mature and Young Skin

As it turned out, many of my friends agreed and kept asking me the secret to my complexion.  When I admitted about my essential oil mix, my friends clamored for the oils, themselves. I was happy to oblige and began making small batches for my girlfriends, my twentysomething daughter, and even my husband. It was a true labor of love. Soon I found myself buying more oils and creating special new blends, based on specific skin troubles, for friends and family. I was completely hooked. My friends became fans of my blends and coerced me to go commercial. Despite my initial reluctance, my husband convinced me to consider packaging the product, even just to give friends. I realized the increasing interest and growing effectiveness, so finally accepted the serums I’d been mixing for myself all these years could be the beginning of an unimagined, entrepreneurial adventure.

Just like that, I became  an entrepreneur. In a strange way, I feel it was meant to be: When I was a young girl keen on trying make-up, against my strict mum’s wishes, my grandma would sneak a dab of beetroot on my lips and castor oil on my eyelashes. She’d laugh and say, ‘Just like lipstick and mascara.’  She convinced my mother that soot from burnt almond, applied around my eyes, would help my allergies. Of course what really mattered to me was it looked like eyeliner! The little girl I was probably still preferred a trip to the makeup counter, like my contemporaries, but the woman I became has deeply embraced the natural approach to beauty.

Things got more exciting. Many people confessed my essential oils had not only soothed their skin, but had noticeably improved their sleep and sense of wellness. I attended New York Institute of Aromatherapy Studies as part of my development process and became a Certified Aromatherapist with accreditation from the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy. I returned to the creativity I had as a young advertising executive; created my branding, decided the color and hit on an apt name for my new company — DermaRitz, combining “Derma” for skin and “Ritz,” the nickname I’ve had for years.

My dream is to work directly with Adivasi tribal women, who harvest flowers for the oils I source. One day, I’d like to open a distilling facility so my new venture can uplift many disadvantaged women.

In the meantime, I’m just enjoying this journey. The moments I feel overwhelmed by the excitement of launching a new business, I remember to rub a few drops of those essential oils into my skin and let stress slip away. It’s something I would have done in any case, business or no business and epitomizes the motto of DermaRitz.


I am confident DermaRitz will be as true for you as it’s always been for my family.